Seeking Professional Help: Steps to Take for Pediatric Mental Health by Lou Hampers


Emotional issues in children can be overpowering. You may feel alone and unsupported. There are many tools for parents of children with mental health issues, including you.

Start by consulting your pediatrician about diagnosis and therapy. Keep your pediatrician aware if you seek professional help. According to Lou Hampers, MD, your doctor has been there since day one and knows your child better than anyone else; therefore, they must be kept up to date on their progress through treatment so they can provide appropriate follow-up care once treatment ends.

Recognize The Signs Of An Emotional Problem

Whether or not you suffer from an emotional condition can be determined by determining whether or not you exhibit these symptoms.

• Anxiety. The most prevalent mental health problem in children and adolescents is an anxiety disorder.
• Depression. Depression affects one in ten teens each year.
• Bipolar disorder. From hyperactive and talkative to exhausted and depressed, this mood illness affects energy, activity, and sleep.
• Self-harm or suicidal thoughts indicate a child needs help. a psychiatrist.

Seek A Professional Assessment

Seek professional aid if you’re concerned about your child’s mental health. Your child can be diagnosed and treated by a mental health expert. To learn how to help your kid through treatment, you may want to see a therapist or psychiatrist.

Lou Hampers A therapist or psychiatrist must know your child’s symptoms, how long they’ve been present, and how often they occur in daily life to identify a mental illness. They’ll also ask inquiries to determine if ADHD, depression, or other diagnoses are present.

Discover Treatment Options and Choose Wisely

It is important to remember that there are many treatment options and it is important to find the one that is best for your child. Keep an open mind, but also be realistic about what is possible.

Keep Your Pediatrician Aware Of The Situation

When you go to see your pediatrician, bring with you a list of symptoms and when they started. Also, keep track of all medications, dosages, and side effects. Bring your child’s specialist and exam notes. Bring an updated list of your child’s mental health or learning disability medicines to the doctor’s appointment.